1857 Brindley Hollow Rd. Buffalo Valley, TN
(931) 858-6892
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd. Buffalo Valley, TN
(931) 858-6892
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd. Buffalo Valley, TN
We have never used a Vet, or provided dewormers or medication to our sheep for the last 15 years.
All of the sick animal genetics that rely on Vets and man-made chemicals to survive have been eliminated.
All you need is a grass, a fence and a guard dog to raise our sheep.
And you don't need a barn as our sheep can lamb outside, even in the winter.
Tennessee is hot, humid and produces a heavy parasitic worm load.
St. Croix Sheep have the highest parasite resistance in the world, and is the only sheep breed that can consistently defeat the Barber Pole worm in Tennessee without using dewormers.
We have never used dewormers or vaccinations on our Pure and Natural St. Croix sheep, and we have culled any animals that need chemicals to survive.