Pure Natural Sheep
Chemical Free St. Croix Sheep
The Right Breed for TN

Pure Natural Sheep

St. Croix Sheep For Sale

No Dewormers, No Vaccinations, No Chemicals

Established 2009

1857 Brindley Hollow Rd. Buffalo Valley, TN
Click Here to Send Us Email


Pure Natural Sheep
Pure Natural St. Croix Sheep
Never Needs Deworming

St. Croix Sheep For Sale

No Dewormers, No Vaccinations, No Chemicals

Established 2009

1857 Brindley Hollow Rd. Buffalo Valley, TN
Click Here to Send Us Email

Pure Natural Sheep

St. Croix Sheep For Sale

No Dewormers, No Vaccinations, No Chemicals

Established 2009

1857 Brindley Hollow Rd. Buffalo Valley, TN

Click Here to Send Us Email


Contact Us

We are one hour east of Nashville off I-40 at Exit 268, Buffalo Valley, TN.




What are "Pure Natural Sheep?"


Our St. Croix sheep are Pure because they eat pure grass and drink pure rainwater. That is it!

Our sheep are 100% Barber Pole Worm Resistant and have never been exposed to man-made chemicals.

Our sheep are Natural because they have been raised "hands free" and require no human intervention or hidden labor cost.



Any "unnatural" animals that require dewormers, hoof trimming, or medications to survive have been culled from our flock.

We have never used a Vet, or provided dewormers or medication to our sheep for the last 15 years.

All of the sick animal genetics that rely on Vets and man-made chemicals to survive have been eliminated.

All you need is a grass, a fence and a guard dog to raise our sheep.

And you don't need a barn as our sheep can lamb outside, even in the winter.




  • We Don't Use This
  • And We Don't Use This
  • And We Don't Use This
  • And We Don't Use This
  • And We Don't Use This
  • And We Don't Use This
  • And We Don't Use This

Our St. Croix sheep have never been exposed to:


Vaccines of any kind - Because... We Don't Need Them!

We do not use chemical dewormers that can end up in our food and kill the earthworms in our soil. Our St. Croix Sheep are 100% Resistant to the Barber Pole Worm and never need dewormers.

We don't use Foot Rot Medicine, because St. Croix Sheep do not have a problem with foot rot.

No Growth Hormones have been used as these hormones can be passed on to humans.

Sheep Dip, which contains dangerous insecticides and fungicides such as organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid compounds. St. Croix are "Hair sheep" and don't need sheep dip.

Tetanus vaccines, because St. Croix are "Hair Sheep" and do not need to be sheared and so they won't get tetanus from being clipped by scissors.

We practice Bio-security with a closed flock, and we cull inferior animals to keep our sheep flock healthy.



Our Land has never been exposed to:

Glyphosates, 2,4-D, and other dangerous herbicides and other "forever chemicals". These have never been used on our farm and won't be ingested by our sheep.

Our farm is pristine from all chemicals.

When we bought our farm in 2007 it had been overgrown with briars since 1990, before Glyphosates and "forever chemicals" were ever used in agriculture.

All of our weed control is by mechanical means, such as mowing or digging.

We will never spray chemicals on our farm!






Why We Raise Pure Natural and Parasite Free St. Croix Sheep

  • Tennessee is hot, humid and produces a heavy parasitic worm load.

    St. Croix Sheep have the highest parasite resistance in the world, and is the only sheep breed that can consistently defeat the Barber Pole worm in Tennessee without using dewormers.

    We have never used dewormers or vaccinations on our Pure and Natural St. Croix sheep, and we have culled any animals that need chemicals to survive.

  • St. Croix sheep are resistant to hoof rot, which can result from the humid conditions in Tennessee. Any sheep (and their genetics) with hoof problems has already been culled from our flock..
  • We have never trimmed the hooves of our sheep. We have a gravel creek that the sheep walk that cleans and trims their hooves. Any sheep (and their genetics) that has ever needed their hooves trimmed has already been culled from our flock.
  • St. Croix are hair sheep and do not require sheep dip, shearing, or tail docking like wool sheep.



Pictures of Our St. Croix Sheep