This chart from Wikipedia shows the percentage of humans with consanguineous marriages
(second-degree cousins or closer) in each country.
In countries with a high level of consanguineous marriages, generations of inbreeding may provide a reason why some of the
offspring of these incestous marriages have certain negative instincts, and why these countries are less developed.
In Leviticus 18:6-18, sexual relations between close relations is strictly prohibited, which has influenced most of the Christian world to avoid marriages with their relatives.
These Christian countries with low consanguineous marriages are more developed with a higher standard of living, and it is in these countries
is where inbreeding is prohibited that the creative innovation of new technology occurs. I think this is more than coincidence.
While we don't think of sheep as needing high levels of creative intelligence, even a slight amount of inbreeding is likely damaging their instinctive traits, like good mothering instincts, birthing without assistance, flocking instincts, etc.
When sheep are inbred on a "factory farm" with chemicals and require human assistance to survive, the loss of these natural instincts in sheep is unnoticed.
But when inbred sheep that have lost these instincts that are returned to a more natural environment, they die without human assistance.
Their genetics have been damaged through inbreeding/misbreeding so that they can never go back to a more natural existence.
And that is where we are now. Most farmers cannot raise sheep without dewormers, yet dewormers were not invented until the 1950's.
They have inbred and misbred sheep until they cannot survive without chemicals.